
(©February 2009) Fiction

  • Chapter  1

    "Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." Psalm 1:1 (KJV)


    “Your wedding pictures are beautiful.” “Boy, I remember when I was that size!” “Yeah, I was so tiny.” “Oh goodness, is that Chuck?” “Yes, that’s Chuck.” “So, he was ugly from the beginning.” “You know what Chuck did the other day?” “Yes, we know, romantic gushy stuff. Boy, I guess it isn’t just his age.” Everyone laughs except Reanna, who smirks awkwardly. Reanna swallows the lump in her throat hard and looks down at the album sitting on the coffee table and nervously twist her wedding ring. “What did you see in him?” They all look up at her and wait for an answer. “Is he really that bad?” she responds “If I woke up to him, I would never stop being scared.” says one of her friends “You guys are so cruel.” she grimmaced “I’m not cruel, I’m honest. I’m your friend, I’m just being honest with you. Right ladies?” Catherine says “Right,” they said in unison shaking their heads up and down. “Um humm, I’m not cruel I’m honest,” echoes Becky behind Catherine. Catherine gets up with a serious face and walks to the window, lights her cigarette and takes a drag. “Speaking of the little troll.” Everyone looks toward Becky then towards the door, rattling with keys. Chuck slowly opens the door and breaks the silence, “Hi, everyone!” Chuck walks in with a money green turtle neck shirt, purple and blue plaid pants, orange socks and dirty orange golfing shoes to match. His blonde hair is combed down on both sides of his balding head. Catherine looks him up and down from head to toe, takes another drag with arm under her opposing elbow. “You look nice,” she says with a straight face. Everyone bursts into laughter. Chuck, not knowing how to respond, looks at Reanna helplessly. His wife Reanna stares back into his face with tears lurking in her eyes and perfect posture, embarrassed. She then forces a smile as if to laugh along with them. “Chuck, I told you that outfit was ugly but you insist. Everything you have is ugly.” Reanna says while shaking her head. “But, honey we don’t exactly..." He paused for a moment, "No, I’m not going to start this, not with your friends here, if they are your friends." "We’re leaving, Were Leaving.” says Catherine hurriedly as she drops her cigarette and twists her foot on top of it to put it out. Catherine walks out the door and the other ladies follow behind her. “Bye, Reanna!” they say while walking by and kissing Reanna on the cheek. They giggle to their cars, just before leaving Catherine runs back and whispers in Reanna’s ears, “You need to get rid of Ugly.”